Thursday, 23 April 2015


Saul Leiter, Painted Nude
Saul Leiter, Painted Nude Courtesy of the Saul Leiter Foundation and Sylph Editions

Today I received a new retrospective photo-book – Saul Leiter – Painted Nudes.  Painted Nudes collects 70 of the several hundred unseen works Saul Leiter made between 1970 and 1990 by applying gouache, watercolours and casein to his black-and-white nude photographic portraits of his lovers and models.                                             
Even in his 80s, when he was belatedly acknowledged as a pioneer of colour photography, Saul Leiter – (who died aged 89 in November 2013) – steadfastly refused to be canonised by the art world. “In order to build a career and be successful,” he said, “one has to be ambitious. I much prefer to drink coffee, listen to music and paint when I feel like it.”
Saul Leiter, Painted Nude Courtesy of the Saul Leiter Foundation and Sylph Editions

As someone who is  familiar with his street photography oeuvre, I found the results for this fresh body of work to be surprising. There are shades of Klimt in the ornate eroticism of some works, and of vintage 50s pin-ups in the faux-coyness of others. Often, only an outline of a figure remains from the original photograph; the face, body and backdrop are covered with splashes and strokes of vivid colour – bright yellows, oranges and pinks, browns and reds.
Unlike the soft poetry of his colour photographs, Leiter’s painted nudes are all about energy and vitality. They turn monochrome into a riot of colour, almost obliterating all trace of the medium for which he is now most celebrated. Perhaps more importantly, though, they cast new light on his beautifully evocative, almost abstract colour photographs of New York.
Leiter imbued street photography – the images for which he is known were all taken within a few blocks of his East Village apartment – with a painter’s instinct for composition and tone. The clamorous streets of Manhattan were transformed in his intimate observations of passers-by glimpsed through the rain-splashed or steamy windows of diners and shops. What emerged was a New York of the imagination: blurred or brightly coloured, and glowing with a magical light of the neon beauty of the nocturnal city streets.

 New York, circa 1960 © Saul Leiter / courtesy Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York

Saul Leiter, Painted NudeSaul Leiter, Painted Nude Courtesy of the Saul Leiter Foundation and Sylph Editions

As well as his visions of the city, Leiter also shot hundreds of intensely intimate nudes including many of his lover, companion and friend, Soames Bantry. No one quite knows when but at some point he returned to this stack of unseen work and began to paint, daubing them, splashing them with vigorous, untamed planes of colour; cultivating vibrant, technicolour mermaids from quietly monochrome figures. The paint is applied with energy and sensuality, sculpting and clothing the women, returning them to the life that the black and white film has stripped them of.
Saul Leiter, Painted NudeSaul Leiter, Painted Nude Courtesy of the Saul Leiter Foundation and Sylph Editions

"I like it when one is not certain what one sees," Leiter said, and there is a wonderful enigma to be found here. The photographs were taken at moments of extreme intimacy, featuring women in the throes of personal pleasure, and the act of painting over them could be seen as a form of concealment. Yet Leiter’s brush acts as illumination, rather than censorship, creating a riot of colour that heightens the beauty of these private moments, creating contemplation rather than mess. They speak to Leiter’s love of colour at a time when it was still deemed inferior, clumsy even, in comparison to black and white. And they preserve the mystery that was at the heart of him as an artist and as a man. “There are the things that are out in the open and then there are the things that are hidden,” he said, “and life...the real world has more to do with what’s hidden, maybe. Don’t you think?”  
Saul Leiter, Painted Nude
Saul Leiter, Painted Nude Courtesy of the Saul Leiter Foundation and Sylph Editions

Saturday, 18 April 2015

why did instagram delete this image of a woman on her period?

​why did instagram delete this image of a woman on her period?

Whilst browsing the internet this week I came across young artist, Rupi Kaur's story and thought it was certainly worthy of a blog post.                                                             Rupi Kaur is a 22-year-old Art student from Ontario who caused a stir(/internet sensation) last week when she published a series of images from a project she had been working on, depicting female menstruation.However, when she shared an image on Instagram, of a girl lying on a bed, fully clothed, but with a bloodstain between her legs, it was promptly deleted. She posted it again. Instagram proceeded to delete it again. Which is ironic given the fact that their guidelines only prohibit sexual acts, violence and nudity. Which one of these codes had Rupi supposedly violated? Taking to Facebook, Rupi released the following statement:
"Thank you Instagram for providing me with the exact response my work was created to critique. You deleted my photo twice stating that it goes against community guidelines. I will not apologize for not feeding the ego and pride of misogynist society that will have my body in underwear but not be okay with a small leak. When your pages are filled with countless photos/accounts where women (so many who are underage) are objectified, pornified, and treated less than human. Thank you."
She set out to demystify the period, giving it visibility and so normalising it within popular culture, and instead ended up revealing the patriarchal structures upon which Instagram's community guidelines, and in fact most of its community has been built. However, like a light at the end of a tunnel of oppression, men and women alike took to social media to voice their own opinion about the controversy, prompting Instagram to apologise, tail between its proverbial leg, and even reinstate the "offending" image. A triumph for womankind the world over, all thanks to Rupi Kaur. 
Online Interview with Rupi Kaur -
How did you feel when Instagram took your photo down and why do you think they did it?
I thought it was silly because I see photos of things that actually go against guidelines all the time. The average age of a girl who now goes on her period is about ten, so it's definitely not content that's completely unknown to a 13-year-old. I think they took it down because the amount of flags it probably received. I also think they took it down without thinking about it. They assumed if it was bothering folks, it must be wrong.
Why do you think they reinstated it?I think when even more people began to contact them about how the photo had been wrongly removed they were eventually forced to re-evaluate their actions. Realising it actually did not go against their guidelines, they reinstated it.
How do you feel about the amount of positive attention you've received?It's lovely. I mean I never thought or wanted it to be blown up to this level. I think it received as much attention as it did because Instagram removed it. But I'm taking and embracing all the positivity and love.
What about trolls, have you got much abuse?I have thick skin. So negative comments make me laugh. I got an A on this project and people are talking about it, and that's really all it's about.
Do you follow other online movements such as #FreeTheNipple movement?I have been following free the nipple movement. I love the coverage it's received on your website.
How do you feel about Facebook and Instagram's continued censorship of women?Exactly what I wrote under the photo. Through their censorship they provide us with the exact response our work is trying to critique. It's saddening.
How can/should society change its outlook?I think it starts with one photo. And people will now begin talking, discussing, debating, and then more content is created. All different types: photos, poetry, film, and that's how the psyche of an entire culture can begin to shift.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015


Father Crowley In The Overgrown Garden At St Philip Neri Church 1972
Taken by photographer Tricia Porter a decade before the area was in the media spotlight following what was dubbed the Toxteth Riots in 1981, these evocative black and white images paint a vivid picture of everyday life in Liverpool 8 at a time when its tight knit communities were being fragmented by significant inner city developments.
The project came about when Porter met her future husband David, then a student at Liverpool University. He was keen to document the changing community, and Tricia joined him to photograph the people they met.
The couple were welcomed into the area, and gained the trust of the residents who allowed them access to their lives, businesses and homes. The resulting images, which are on show as part of the LOOK/15 international photography festival, give a thought-provoking and unique insight into everyday life in L8 during the 70's.
Couple at the Belvedere 1972
Couple at the Belvedere 1972
The series Bedford Street, Liverpool 8 (1972) focuses on residents in their homes, at work or out and about in the area. They include well-known characters, such as social campaigner and local councillor Margaret Simey and eminent Liverpool sculptor Herbert Tyson Smith at work in his studio at the Bluecoat. In Some Liverpool Kids(1974), young people predominate, going about their daily lives in their homes, schools, clubs, shops and streets.
Girls At The Youth Club 1974
Taken together, these two series offer an affectionate portrait of this multicultural area and its inhabitants, from children playing on Windsor Street to families at home and drinkers in the pubs.
The exhibition is complemented by an illustrated publication, containing essays by Tricia Porter, Bryan Biggs and Kevin Davies, who appears in the photographs as a young man.